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Drug Rehabilitation in New Jersey

drug rehababilitation in New Jersey

Drug rehab New Jersey has offered a lifeline to many addicts and abusers of different types of drugs. Drug rehabilitation is a process whereby either medical or psycho-therapeutic treatment is administered due to dependency on substances such as alcohol and other drugs including cocaine, amphetamines or heroin. The aim of offering such treatment is to enable the patient to stop abusing the drug so as to avoid physical, psychological, financial and social consequences.

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The main objective of all types of treatments is to enable the drug abuse addict permanently abstain from the drug. The specific or immediate objectives are to reduce abuse of drugs, improve an addict’s ability to function and also minimize any medical and social problems that may arise due to drug abuse. Rehabilitation centers in the United States have become popular in the recent past offering different approaches to drug addiction treatment. The main aim of the centers is to provide a wholesome program treats the individual as a whole that is the mind, body and spirit. There are various approaches to drug addiction treatment in Drug Rehab New Jersey. Some of these approaches and their benefits are as I will discuss below:

Drug Rehabilitation Approaches

Short-Term Drug Rehab New Jersey

These include rehabilitation methods that last less than 6 months and usually include medication therapy , residential therapy and drug-free outpatient therapy. Long-term treatment methods may also include methadone maintenance outpatient treatment, which is normally for addicts of opiate and residential therapeutic community treatment.

Maintenance Treatment

Are you a heroin addict? Drug Rehab New Jersey offers you a maintenance treatment program where people especially heroin addicts are given an oral dose of a synthetic opiate such as methadone hydrochloride or Levo-Alpha-Acetyl Methadol (LAAM). The medication is given at a dosage that is sufficient to block the effects of heroin and at the same time yield a stable, non-euphoric state free from physiological opiate craving. In the stable state, the patient is able to discontinue from drug-seeking and other criminal behaviors.

Outpatient Drug Rehab New Jersey

This method does not include administering medications and involves the use of a wide variety of programs for patients who visit a clinic at frequently at specific times. Most of the outpatient rehabilitation programs involve either group or individual counseling. I would advise patients who are abusers of drugs other than opiates to enter such programs. If also you are an opiate abuser whom maintenance therapy is not recommended like those with a stable, well-integrated life and only brief histories of drug dependence, I would suggest you go the outpatient drug free treatment way.

Therapeutic Communities

These are highly structured programs whereby patients are required to stay at a residence for about 6 to 12 months. Patients in such a program include those who have long histories of drug addiction, are involved in criminal activities, and those with an impaired social functioning. This program is aimed at enabling the addict to socialize and live a lifestyle devoid of crime and drugs. There are also other short-term residential programs also called the chemical dependency units. These programs are based on the Minnesota Model of alcoholism treatment. They programs involve an inpatient treatment phase which lasts between 3 to 6 weeks thereafter followed by outpatient therapy or participation in self-help groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous.

Medicine Based Drug Rehab New Jersey

In this category, the second one is a methadone maintenance program. This program has been found to be more successful in retaining opiate addicts more than the therapeutic communities. Therapeutic communities on the other hand are more successful than outpatient programs, which offer counseling and psychotherapy. Methadone programs that provide higher doses of methadone have better rates of retention. Other programs, which provide services like counseling, therapy, and medical care in addition to methadone generally, give better results than the programs that provide minimal services. Rehabilitation treatment programs for inmates prevent the patients from returning to criminal behavior, particularly if they are associated with community-based programs that continue treatment even after they are out of prison.

Rehabilitation centers have in a major way helped the society in bringing down the rates of crimes that are associated with drug and substance abuse. For every local in New Jersey and its environs, one place I cannot hesitate to recommend that you take your affected family member, relative or a loved one is the Drug Rehab New Jersey center.

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Christen B.


I was very skeptical and scared to face that difficult time of my life and career and their knowledgeable staff gave me my options and understood my exact situation. I came into this hope and now I’m able to share my story with addicts like myself and bring hope thanks to Treatment Center Finder.

Christen B. - 3 Years

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Treatment Center Finder saved my life, I was very skeptical and scared to face that difficult time of my life and career and their knowledgeable staff gave me my options and understood my exact situation. I came into this hope and now I’m able to share my story with addicts like myself and bring hope thanks to Treatment Center Finder.

James B. - 24 Months

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