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Opiate Addiction Help

Opiate Addiction

Opiate addiction will kill you without the intervention of a treatment center. Do you start using and lose control of yourself? Are you ready to stop hurting friends, and family? Are you constantly struggling with work and financial issues due to your addiction? This is a deadly disease and it will kill you, it’s only a matter of a time.  We know what it’s like to go through the vicious cycle of an addiction. Over 80% of our staff members are in recovery and can relate to the problems that you are going through. Opiate addiction is a serious problem that has been in society for centuries but has showed up even more so today. An opiate is a drug that is derived from the opium poppy plant. Some examples of opiates are morphine, heroin, and codeine. We commonly see opiates in their synthetic forms such as Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, and Hydromorphone. Examples of synthetic opiates are Darvon, Demerol, and Methadone. All of these drugs are used by doctors to treat serious pain from injuries. Opiates are effective in suppressing pain and reducing anxiety cause by it. In high doses they can produce a euphoric state which is one of the main causes of opiate addiction. Physical and psychological dependence that leads to addiction is common in opiate users. Your body quickly adjusts to the use of opiates and larger doses are needed to produce the same euphoric effect. This is a dangerous side effect and it will cause you to overdose because you may take more than their body can handle and it would result in respiratory failure. Don’t put your life on the line anymore! Call one of our certified addiction councilors and start your new life today!

Make The Call That Can Save Your Life

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Effects of Opiate Addiction

Physical effects that opiates produce are dry mouth, muscle spasticity, shallow or slow breathing, stomach and intestinal spasms, pupil dilation, diminished mental capacity, drowsiness, and disorientation. A common effect of the opiate addict is the coming in and out of consciousness. People suffering with an opiate addiction become emotionally detached and dependents of addicts are often neglected and abused. Someone suffering from an opiate addiction may have a difficult time reporting to their jobs and even keeping them. Since an addict cannot function without the drug, looking for it and finding ways to pay for it become their full time job. An opiate user usually cannot support their habit on their own and that usually results in criminal behavior such as stealing.


Treatment for Opiate Addiction

Opiate Addiction is a hard disease to overcome and a lot fail due to the withdrawal symptoms they face when trying to quit using. Withdrawal from opiates can include hot and cold flashes, goose bumps, extreme restlessness, anxiety, tremors, muscle spasms, muscle and bone ache, diarrhea, insomnia, and vomiting. We have a variety of opiate addiction treatment programs. Before your recovery can actually start detoxification from opiates is needed. In one of our detox centers a longtime opiate addict can begin the process of removing all toxins from their body in a medically supervised environment where medical staff monitor any adverse effects you may experience when going through withdrawal. Most opiate addiction treatment centers administer medication such as methadone to ease your pain of withdrawal. After you are physically clean the hard work of changing yourself begins. Our treatment centers offer counseling and behavior modification techniques to help you live a drug free life long after you leave the treatment center. Going through therapy sessions you discover some emotional and environmental situations that trigger your cravings and they teach you ways to avoid these types of situations. Start the battle over your opiate addiction today by calling one of our addiction specialists.

Make The Call That Can Save Your Life

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Christen B.


I was very skeptical and scared to face that difficult time of my life and career and their knowledgeable staff gave me my options and understood my exact situation. I came into this hope and now I’m able to share my story with addicts like myself and bring hope thanks to Treatment Center Finder.

Christen B. - 3 Years

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Treatment Center Finder saved my life, I was very skeptical and scared to face that difficult time of my life and career and their knowledgeable staff gave me my options and understood my exact situation. I came into this hope and now I’m able to share my story with addicts like myself and bring hope thanks to Treatment Center Finder.

James B. - 24 Months

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