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Addiction Treatment Centers – Helping A Loved One

May 6th, 2013 - In Alcohol Treatment, Alcoholism, Detox, Drug Treatment, Gambling Addiction, Methamphetamine, Opiates, Sex Addiction, Suboxone, Treatment Center

Addiction Treatment Centers

For any family member or close friend of a addict, addressing the addiction is pretty much a tough task. More so, the task of convincing them to seek help from addiction treatment centers is much more challenging than making them accept that they truly have a problem. More often than not, family members do not have a clue as to how they can bring up this nagging issue, hence marking the journey towards recovery. Filled with fear of hurting their loved ones, many end up shying away from the topic so as not to push their addicted friends/family away.

As much as these concerns are totally legitimate, you need to understand that most of the addicts are blind to their “complications” making it even more critical that you help them out. Below are a few benefits linked to the use of our addiction treatment centers:

  • Health – The first and foremost advantage associated with the use of addiction treatment centers is the overall improvement of the patient’s health. Most drugs are harmful to the human body. Others take effect quickly while others take time. The sooner the patient gets checked into such a center the better.
  • Saving Money – By opting to take your loved one to one of our facilities, you will be making a wise financial decision. This is due to the fact that drugs are addictive by nature which means that the individual who is hooked on them will go to any length so as to get their daily fix. Thanks to this fact, many end up losing lots of hard earned cash in search of their drugs.
  • Improved Security – According to statistics, the rise of insecurity in many instances is associated to rise in drug usage and abuse. This includes drugs such as bang, cocaine, alcohol and many more others. By taking advantage of addiction treatment centers, you will be playing a vital role in the lowering of insecurity within your area.

Patients undergoing therapy in addiction treatment centers tend to be more emotionally stable than their counterparts on the outside. This is important as it will definitely go a long way into ensuring that they recover faster with the least amount of damage to them. By keeping your friends/family member’s drug free, you will be making sure that they remain safe. Many addicts would go to any lengths in order to get their drug(s). This way, other individuals around them will be safe also.

Help of Addiction Treatment Centers

One great thing with addiction treatment centers is that they help you by lifting the burden of having to take care and nurture your loved one back into shape. Thanks to years of experience, our facilities are more than capable of taking care of your friend or family until they have fully recovered. This way, you can engage in other activities while supporting them throughout the entire process. Clearly, addiction treatment centers are of great help. An important fact to always keep in mind is to remain positive and mindful at all times. This involves making sure that you attend any counseling family sessions which teach you on how to respond, communicate and handle patients during their road to recovery. Our trained addiction councilors will help your family member/friend by getting to know them and find out what specific needs have to be met in order for them to successfully recover. We’ll evaluate their individual situation and better help help them locate a calming and tranquil place where they can get away and take it easy and recover successfully. Our goal is to help them choose the most comfortable and reputable program in the country, to ensure them a stable and successful recovery. We will take the time become familiar with them, and give them a number of possible choices, starting from Detox, Residential Treatment, and Outpatient options. Addiction kills! Don’t let your family member/loved one suffer anymore! Call one of our certified addiction specialists today and get them the help they need through one of our addiction treatment centers!

Make The Call That Can Save Their Life

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How To Complete Drug and Alcohol Treatment Successfully

April 30th, 2013 - In Alcohol Treatment, Alcoholism, Detox, Drug Treatment, Methamphetamine, Opiates, Suboxone, Treatment Center

How To Complete Drug and Alcohol Drug Treatment Successfully

How To Successfully Complete Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Opiate Detox Is Imperative For Recovery

April 12th, 2013 - In Detox, Drug Treatment, Opiates

Opiate Detox: Opium and opiate addictions have been around for quite a while; Opium, which is what opiates derive from, was one of the first drugs to be used recreationally. This recreational use leads to the need for Opiate detox. An addiction to opiates is a serious problem that can lead to long term health issues and even death. For this reason, recovery is crucial. Someone looking to recover from an opiate addiction must undergo opiate detox. This will allow an addict to get the harmful toxins out of their body. Once detox is completed, rehabilitation is the best course of action in order to truly kick the addiction.

Make The Call That Can Save Your Life


opiate detox

Why Opiate Detox

Opiates are from the opium poppy, which come from poppy seeds. There are a variety of opiates, although the most common abused include: hydrocodone, oxycodone, and oxymorphone. These opiates are classified in a group that contains benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. Opiates are commonly used to treat pain. Morphine and hydrocodone are common prescription pain relievers. However, in addition to those becoming addicted to their prescriptions others further abuse the drug by snorting it. They greatly reduce pain, however, if abused they can create serious health problems and even lead to death. This is why detox is so important. Without Opiate detox an addict is risking not only their health, but their life.

The Need For Opiate Detox

A person who is addicted to opiates may have a variety of signs and symptoms. These include an inability to control their drug related behavior. A lack of interest in those activities they previously enjoyed. Other symptoms consist of continuing to use the drug even though they are made aware of the harmful side effects. Physical symptoms include cramps, chills, tremors, extreme pain, tachycardia, flu-like symptoms, and excessive perspiration. Once a body becomes used to the opiate in it’s system it will think that it cannot function without it. This is when opiate detox is needed.

Opiate Detox

Opiate detox is the first step when it comes to recovering from an addiction. However, it is also the most dangerous aspect of recovery. For this reason it is not recommended that anyone do it at home. Detox should be conducted in a safe, comfortable environment, with medical professionals. Withdrawal can be painful and can have serious consequences including cardiac issues, stroke, seizures, and even dehydration. For this reason it is necessary that it be done in an environment with medical supervision. Medically monitored detox is important as it provides a safe and secure atmosphere. It also allows for the dispersal of medicine that can aid the detox process such as suboxone and methadone which can ease the pain of withdrawal. Once the body is rid of the toxins that have built up due to the addiction recovery can be achieved. Detox can last between a few days and weeks depending on the severity of the addiction.

Anyone who is suffering from an addiction to opiates should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Without medical intervention it is very difficult for an addict to recovery. Detoxing alone is very dangerous and not recommended. Once opiate detox has been completed, recovery can happen, and an addict can get their life back.

Make The Call That Can Save Your Life



Christen B.


I was very skeptical and scared to face that difficult time of my life and career and their knowledgeable staff gave me my options and understood my exact situation. I came into this hope and now I’m able to share my story with addicts like myself and bring hope thanks to Treatment Center Finder.

Christen B. - 3 Years

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Treatment Center Finder saved my life, I was very skeptical and scared to face that difficult time of my life and career and their knowledgeable staff gave me my options and understood my exact situation. I came into this hope and now I’m able to share my story with addicts like myself and bring hope thanks to Treatment Center Finder.

James B. - 24 Months

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